Th4 farming 2018
Th4 farming 2018

th4 farming 2018 th4 farming 2018

The new bill is estimated to spend $428.3 billion over its 5-year lifespan, and $867.2 billion over the 10-year time frame by which all bills are measured per congressional budget rules. In this post, we provide a high-level overview of some key spending pieces included in the 2018 Farm Bill. Because mandatory funding provided by authorizing legislation is substantially larger than appropriated funds, which programs receive mandatory funding and how much is always a contentious issue in farm bill debates. The farm bill is complex package of legislation – like other authorizing bills, the bill’s primary focus is on policies and programs, but unlike many authorization bills, the farm bill also provides direct funding for many of the programs it authorizes. Farm bill programs, therefore, have two ways to receive funding: mandatory (or direct) funding through the farm bill, and annual funding through the appropriations process.

Th4 farming 2018